
706 Northeast Drive, #5
Davidson, North Carolina 28036
Tel: 704.895.6487
Fax 704.261.3483

Suzanne Schilling, Executive Director



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A Message from George Jacobs, President Emeritus

“There are two ways to live your life – one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Albert Einstein


One of the things people enjoy in the town of Davidson, is that it is a community that treasures nature. Through the pictures on this website, we’ve tried to give you a feel for this. The Davidson College campus is a national arboretum where every tree has a small label telling its common and scientific name.

Personally, I’ve learned the calming peace of taking a hike in nature, whether it’s a relaxed walk or a strong hike up a mountain. I remember walking through Mt. Vernon and breathing in the air given by the tulip poplar planted by George Washington in 1785. One of my favorite hikes is the hike up Big Glassy in Flat Rock, North Carolina. It is where the poet Carl Sandburg walked ever day to look at the mountains.

Wondering, I found it takes seven mature trees to give each of us enough oxygen to breathe. Most of us understand plants and trees tree use chlorophyll to absorb the carbon dioxide we breathe and turn it into oxygen for us. Life, creation, is a miracle.

All of us need to take time and get away from where we work and live to be able to see ourselves for who and what we are—a living, breathing miracle. This is our vision and hope that we may be a place for you to see what is beautiful and majestic in your own life.

We are a unique community. We work with caregivers to help them address the questions “What is important in my life, and what specifically do I need to do to grow, flourish, and feel strong in my call?”

You have devoted years of study and work hard as a caregiver. You have made a public oath of office and cherish the highest standards. If our work is to continue in joy and excellence, we all must take care of ourselves. Through years of experience, we know this is a good place to do that.

It is our hope that we may have the privilege of meeting you.


George W. Jacobs

President, Emeritus