

Write Your Way Forward

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What if I told you there’s a tool that is easy to use, never breaks, and doesn’t cost much? The more you use this tool, the better it works — and it’s literally at your fingertips. Journaling is a reflective practice that helps us make sense of our experiences. Writing about events and emotions leads to greater self-awareness, new perspectives, and transformed behavior. But I’m so busy, you say. My head is buzzing with all the competing demands I’m juggling and all the things I’m trying to remember to do. I don’t have the time…
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Spiritual Direction Jan-style

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When I first sit with a client, I offer my abbreviated definition of spiritual direction – that which I have come to recognize as true over the more than a decade of answering the call to this wonderful ministry. To me, it is about “Holy Listening;” the client and I are seeking to discern how God is working through what is happening in their journey of the moment. I define “Holy Listening” as the practice of keeping my heart and soul open to hear what is really being said – what is the real issue…
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